Friday, February 7, 2014
Be Prepared For Emergencies While Traveling
Be Prepared For Emergencies While Traveling
Be Prepared For Emergencies While Traveling Most people spend a lot of time in their vehicles. Make sure you have an emergency kit in your car because you never know when an emergency or disaster can s From:FEMA Views:738 0ratings Time:00:36 More inEducation View the Original article The post Be Prepared For Emergencies While Traveling appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Preparing Makes Sense
Preparing Makes Sense A short instructional video explaining the key steps to emergency preparedness, including: being informed, making a plan, building a kit, and getting involved. From:FEMA Views:833 0ratings Time:04:33 More inEducation View the Original article The post Preparing Makes Sense appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Preparing Makes Sense
Preparing For Winter Weather
Preparing For Winter Weather Make sure to update your preparedness plans for the winter months. From:FEMA Views:445 0ratings Time:01:02 More inEducation View the Original article The post Preparing For Winter Weather appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Preparing For Winter Weather
Winter Safety
Winter Safety FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate and U.S. Fire Administrator Ernie Mitchell offer tips on staying safe in the winter. From:FEMA Views:1720 0ratings Time:01:39 More inEducation View the Original article The post Winter Safety appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Winter Safety
Back to Basics
6 Vote On Idea In times of emergency, the stress and anxiety of the survivors situation can be overwhelming. FEMA does a lot of things. Many of them well. We need to focus on making of assistance less complex during high stress times. 1. Our recovery programs should focus on the essential priroties of food, shelter/housing, public helath and safety. 2. Programs should be easy to understand and easy to access with multiple sources of information available so that the survivors are not stressed out by not knowing what to do or where to go . 3. Easy step by step options should be created to minimize confusion. 4. Messaging should be clear before, during and after event, of what we can do thus manage expectations. 5. Simplify all aspects of applying for assistance. 6. Don t try to be all things to all people thereby watering down good basic programs at the expense of something new that is complex and unproven and hard to administer. 7. Stick to the addressing basic needs quickly so surviv
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Back to Basics
Priority 4: Enable Disaster Risk Reduction Nationally
6 Vote On Idea Kurtosis risk occurs when a statistical model and observation of that model focus on ‘bookend’ extremes and fail to take into account what the bookends are used for (to hold the books in place).It seems to me that any disaster risk reduction plan should look at 4 distinct considerations:(D)esign: Are the plans in design with the probability of the event? (planning for snow storms in Death Valley).(E)valuation: Are all factors that could alter the event taken into consideration? (after the snow storm in Death Valley will there be a danger of an avalanche). (E)nvironment: Are logistical considerations based on accurate information? (should we ship sand to Death Valley for sandbags in case there is a flood after the snow melts).(P)olicy: Are the plans put in place commensurate with the level of risk? (how much money should we put into the ‘Death Valley snow storm and avalanche mitigation plan’).Bookends dictate that all of the above considerations need to be taken
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Priority 4: Enable Disaster Risk Reduction Nationally
How can FEMA cut responce time to an event down dramaticaly ?
5 Vote On Idea There are several ways we could accomplish this/ One way is to set up like FEMA terminals that would service an area within striking distance that would be designed specifically equipped for the types of problems that could arise in that climate. And there could be default storage sites that would of course hold non-perishable items that are used in any type of event that could come up. And storage site could have a key person who has access to the storage facility for when an event happens so that these items could be secured and accessed in the time of an event. Comments (4) Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery , responce fast View the Original article The post How can FEMA cut responce time to an event down dramaticaly ? appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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How can FEMA cut responce time to an event down dramaticaly ?
Intergrate #VOST into FEMA Tech Corps
4 Vote On Idea Many VOST teams have a proven track record of responding to disasters over the last few years. Virtual Operations Support Teams (VOST) as applied to emergency management and disaster recovery is an effort to make use of new communication technologies and social media tools so that a team of trusted agents can lend support via the internet to those on-site who may otherwise be overwhelmed by the volume of data generated during a disaster. VOS Teams (VOST) are activated to perform specific functions in support of affected organizations & jurisdictions. Each VOST has a Team Leader that reports directly to the affected organization/jurisdiction. As additional VOSTs are established, a VOS Group (VOSG) may be established to coordinate the work of the VOSTs to maintain an effective span of control. The VOSG has a Group Supervisor that reports to the affected organization/jurisdiction. Comments (4) Private Sector Technology Volunteers Supporting Disaster Response
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Intergrate #VOST into FEMA Tech Corps
FEMA Internal Peer-to-Peer CISM Team
6 Vote On Idea As an expeditionary force, FEMA needs to be able to address the needs of its staff at all locations and activities. To assist FEMA staff, FEMA should augment its EAP program with staff trained in peer-to-peer CISM or Psychological First-Aid (PFA). This would assist in ensuring staff operate effectively during a response and are resilient to the impacts of a response. Comments (1) Priority 2 – Become an Expeditionary Organization , cism, pfa, mental health, eap View the Original article The post FEMA Internal Peer-to-Peer CISM Team appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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FEMA Internal Peer-to-Peer CISM Team
Develop a National Volunteer Chaplain Corp
5 Vote On Idea Have DHS Center for Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships develop a volunteer Chaplain program with the aid of the faith based disaster responbse organizations. Program should take into account what current organizations are requiring and doing so they can be incorporated as resources for affected areas. Develop a CPG to assit the faith based community and its tie in with the mental health community. Comments (2) Role of Faith-based and Community Organizations in Advancing the Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management , chaplain View the Original article The post Develop a National Volunteer Chaplain Corp appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Develop a National Volunteer Chaplain Corp
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Organize (emergency supplies) gift exchange events at homes
4 Vote On Idea Please do not give a quick thumbs down on this idea; however,it just may get more people to stock up on emergency supplies before the next major disaster. In addition, it may get neighbors together when a lot them have never even talked to each other. This may also help break the ice for neighbors to get together more in the future, as well. Can neighbors, as well as families, book club members, Sunday school church members, students and friends organize (emergency supplies) gift exchange games at someone s house? It could be done during the Christmas holidays, 4th of July, birthdays and Thanksgiving. Now I forgot the particular rules; however, emergency items could be exchanged for other emergency supplies between the various people involved. There could be small pieces of paper in a container that people cannot see. Then they will draw one to see which supply they have won. Of coarse this post it note will supply needed information as to why someone should have this t
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Organize (emergency supplies) gift exchange events at homes
Community Endurance and Resilience Building: Reducing the Impact
7 Vote On Idea Problem-solving begins with in-depth identification, drills down to obtain all relevant data, conduct analysis and determine a sustainable solution that includes all relevant stakeholders. Engaging in a whole community preparedness capacity building endeavor must include public/private partners representing government officials, businesses, schools, medical and mental health facilities, volunteer groups, and importantly neighborhoods, people and places, across the entire jurisdiction. The diversity of people, place and events are strengths, which if properly harnessed and convinced to work collaboratively, increases community engagement of people who live, work, and contribute to the overall community. Professional and cohort groups must work collaboratively to reach into the community and work with the diverse populations to successfully engage a powerful partnership. Comments (0) Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future , sustainable communit
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Community Endurance and Resilience Building: Reducing the Impact
Reduce the Shotgun Appraoch to FEMA’s Roll With Surviors
7 Vote On Idea Consider identify what core activities FEMA is to provide to survivors that are above and beyond what State, Tribal, and local governments are to provide and provide them. FEMA is a coordinating agency for the Federal government, not a first or second response organization (except for perhaps the Urban Search & Rescue Teams). Support the development of State, Tribal, and local governments capabilities along with all their supporting agencies/organizations both government and non-government efforts with the resources and funding to be more survivor centric. Comments (1) Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery View the Original article The post Reduce the Shotgun Appraoch to FEMA s Roll With Surviors appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Reduce the Shotgun Appraoch to FEMA’s Roll With Surviors
FEMA SHould Decentralize Preparedness and Response
6 Vote On Idea For FEMA to be an expeditionary force, that is on “a journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, esp. that of exploration, scientific research, or disaster response, it needs to get out of Washington, D.C. This can be done easily by reducing decentralizing itself from Washington DC and increase its Regional offices with both staff and resources to implement its programs in all areas. Several of FEMA’s preparedness and response activities overlap and should become integrated so that the staff member that helps prepare and review State, tribal, or local plans are also the ones that respond in actual events. This also allows FEMA to gather information on assumptions, expectations, and shortfalls that State, tribal, and local emergency management agencies work with, educate, make adjustments and develop Regional response plans and cadre. This would allow FEMA to become participants in the various Federal Regional organizations (Regional
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FEMA SHould Decentralize Preparedness and Response
Preparedness Priority for National Security Targets
-4 Vote On Idea Priority should be given to areas of extreme national security. Fort Knoxx, Cape Canaveral, New York City, etc. All of these areas house an important target: gold reserves, US spaceport, Wall Street. These are large targets that should get priority over other areas. Security is already heightened in these areas, however public training and preparedness is often lax. By giving priorities to these areas and encouraging training and cooperation in the public, military and civilian personnel could be relieved to secure their priority systems and information, while adequately preparing the population for little too no immediate assistance. Whether through the Red Cross, CERT, direct FEMA operatives, volunteer emergency services and law enforcement personnel, further funding and training should be given in these areas as well as others so that at least some of the affecting region is able to maintain it s stability and allowing command and control to retain a workable infras
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Preparedness Priority for National Security Targets
Printers to be Managed by Facilities Management
-5 Vote On Idea Dear Moderator: rewrite this if you wish.Create a policy to provide guidance such that a known, repeatable process for Agency printers will be serviced such that in any given office you do not see GS-15s wasting time locating paper, cartridges, etc. In IT, at the Brooke Road Facility in Winchester, VA more often than not, printers are out of paper, or need ink cartridges replaced. Problem is: none to be found!! Or, you have one office with budget/people to cover their printers while others are taking paper from one printer and putting it in another just to finish their print job that they need for a meeting in five minutes! Seems like a simple matter, but it is a big time/resource waster. Our mixed environment with contractors who need to deliver documents are sometimes faced with this issue. We pay them too much to have them hunting down a reem of paper. Administrative Staff don t take care of this. The IT Service folks don t take care of the printers. The APO doesn t
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Printers to be Managed by Facilities Management
fixing the economies of the world
5 Vote On Idea #1Starting better programs for youth. Free mixed-martial arts. Educate our future early.#2.start a Government funded progressive ranching and farming project for the homeless and welfare.i have many more idea s. Comments (2) Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery View the Original article The post fixing the economies of the world appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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fixing the economies of the world
Using RFIDs for disaster recovery
5 Vote On Idea RFIDs are devices that emit radio waves that are used to identify things. RFIDs signal can be detected up to 300 feet. We believe that RFIDs devices can be provided to people and pets in Tornado prone areas. These devices can be activated when a Tornado or a Storm is anticipated. People and pets can then be found and saved quickly using radio detectors. We believe that this can help save a lot of lives. This idea was from 11 year old kids who participated in a First Lego League challenge to come up with innovative solutions for disaster recovery.We appreciate any feedback.ThanksHarsh Comments (2) Innovative Solutions in Emergency Management , disaster recovery View the Original article The post Using RFIDs for disaster recovery appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Using RFIDs for disaster recovery
Bunkers with multiple exits
9 Vote On Idea We believe that having multiple exits on bunkers especially community bunkers in Tornado prone areas can be valuable. Bunker exit can get blocked by debris blown by a Tornado, alternate exits can provide people inside the bunkers access and they should be able to come out of the bunkers after a storm.This idea was from 11 year old kids who participated in a First Lego League challenge to come up with innovative solutions for disaster recovery. Comments (5) Innovative Solutions in Emergency Management , disaster recovery View the Original article The post Bunkers with multiple exits appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Bunkers with multiple exits
Retractable cell tower installation idea
-7 Vote On Idea The idea is that you can put the cell tower in a protective mode. So when the strong winds has disappeared you tell the tower to get operational again. In the link to the pdf I suggest you might get the cell tower into a protective mode simply by retracting it underground. Comments (2) Increasing Transparency & Enhancing Disaster Preparedness , cell tower View the Original article The post Retractable cell tower installation idea appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Retractable cell tower installation idea
◦Training requirements for Tech Core
5 Vote On Idea Fundamentals of Emergency Management are a great start, but tech teams should be versed in disaster technologies including NIEM, IPAWS, UICDSGIS, EDXL, Social Media, Infosec Comments (1) Private Sector Technology Volunteers Supporting Disaster Response , training, technology, niem, uicds, gis, infosec, ipaws View the Original article The post ◦Training requirements for Tech Core appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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◦Training requirements for Tech Core
Who is Reading This
14 Vote On Idea Many people submit ideas but there is no way of knowing if someone in authority is reading or following up. I would like to suggest that if an idea receives upward of 25 agrees then upper management give some feedback. This would encourage people to suggest ideas knowing that this site is worth more then just a chance to ventilate. Comments (3) FEMA Think Tank View the Original article The post Who is Reading This appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Who is Reading This
Ecosphere Technologies
2 Vote On Idea FEMA should make a large order of these EF80s they build here in USA in Stuart,Fl. Each unit can clean 3m GDP with zero chemicals. The governement could have fleets of these ready for the next season. The company can build them on a Oshkosh 6
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Ecosphere Technologies
Challenging the ‘Why’ of Small Business Preparedness
6 Vote On Idea Why is it that so few small businesses prepare for emergencies? Or is that even the right question Maybe the question should be more along the lines of, Why do so few small businesses focus on preparedness in response to the avalanche of messages prompting them to do so?I submit that the breakdown is not with the business owner not wanting to prepare but more so with the way in which the message of preparedness is structured. Currently, the predominant message within the preparedness effort seems to be, Either develop a preparedness plan or your business will probably not survive the next disaster. Though this is true, the message itself is based on inciting a fear response from the receiver. If you don t follow this advice, something bad is going to happen. In working with business owners and entrepreneurs through the past eight years, I have found them to be decision makers, willing to take a significant risk in order to make their dreams a reality and pretty much awa
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Challenging the ‘Why’ of Small Business Preparedness
Ecosphere Ozonix for water safety
0 Vote On Idea Would should have FEMA make a unit or three that uses Ecosphere Technologies Ozonix Ef80 units in mass numbers so we can properly clean a water disaster without thought like last week in WV. Comments (1) Topic 3: Analysis, Tools and Information for Risk Reduction Decision-Making , clean water View the Original article The post Ecosphere Ozonix for water safety appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Ecosphere Ozonix for water safety
FOOD FOR THOUGHT-Creating more Goodwill momentum
0 Vote On Idea FOOD FOR THOUGHT What is it about a nice smile or someone letting you in traffic? It makes your day! Is it Newton s Laws of Emotions?Can this video (link below) here be simply Newton s laws of emotions that for every action there is like but opposite reaction?, does it seem some neighborhoods or towns are meaner or more aggressive than others. The momentum effects portion of Newton s Laws may explain this. In other words, there seems to be huge amount of hate momentum in some places. To change hate into goodwill it will take energy, depending the amount of people you are dealing with. This is sort of like changing directions of a large ship 180. There is the math formula of F=MA of one of Newton s 3 Laws. I believe this math formula can be replaced with the following. I believe this math formula F=MA can be where M=population involved, A=change in emot
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FOOD FOR THOUGHT-Creating more Goodwill momentum
School Bus Storm Shelter
3 Vote On Idea I am working with classmates to come up with an lower cost for a storm shelter. We heard of a man who used a school bus and buried it. We are exploring that idea and think it is a cheaper way to save larger groups of people (25 to 80) people. Plus, old school buses can be recycled by being used. Our team s cost estimate for this is under $5,000. A storm shelter for a family costs (starting at) $2,700. That is IF you live in a bigger city.In our state Mississippi tornadoes are pretty severe, so our team think it would be safer to take shelter underground.FEMA should have engineers study and draw up plans to make a school bus storm shelter planning guide. That would be really cool. Comments (1) Priority 4 – Enable Disaster Risk Reduction Nationally View the Original article The post School Bus Storm Shelter appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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School Bus Storm Shelter
Enhance our technologies linking documents to survivor regs.
0 Vote On Idea One of the greatest challenges in expeditiously processing IHP grants for survivors is the wait time for them to send in documents that are then scanned and then attached to their file before further processing. Equip and train the various field staff (DSA, FEMA CORP, DRC Staff, State Staff) with the ability to scan a file or necessary documents directly into a survivor s application (NEMIS Registration) that will then trigger that application for further case processing. This alone could cut days and sometimes weeks off an applicant’s wait for further processing time.Further, if the field staff were augmented by NPSC Staff or themselves trained to make minor manual decisions, some of the case processing could be performed within the field as well. This alone would again shave considerable time from the survivor waiting for their assistance. Comments (0) Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery View the Original article The post Enhance our t
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Enhance our technologies linking documents to survivor regs.
Enhance our technologies linking documents to survivor registr.
0 Vote On Idea One of the greatest challenges in expeditiously processing IHP grants for survivors is the wait time for them to send in documents that are then scanned and then attached to their file before further processing.Equip and train the various field staff (DSA, FEMA CORP, DRC Staff, State Staff) with the ability to scan a file or necessary documents directly into a survivor s application (NEMIS Registration) that will then trigger that application for further case processing. This alone could cut days and sometimes weeks off an applicant’s wait for further processing time.Further, if the field staff were augmented by NPSC Staff or themselves trained to make minor manual decisions, some of the case processing could be performed within the field as well. This alone would again shave considerable time from the survivor waiting for their assistance. Comments (0) FEMA Think Tank , dsa View the Original article The post Enhance our technologies linking documents to survivor regi
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Enhance our technologies linking documents to survivor registr.
Mold mars 600000 MU volumes stored at off-campus facility – Columbia Daily Tribune
Mold mars 600000 MU volumes stored at off-campus facilityColumbia Daily TribuneAn on-campus environmental health and safety officer has been studying the issue since then and last week issued a report that identified the mold as aspergillus and/or penicillium — common types of mold that don t pose a health threat, MU spokesman
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Mold mars 600000 MU volumes stored at off-campus facility – Columbia Daily Tribune
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Parenthood: “You’ve Got Mold” – A.V. Club (blog)
TV Equals Parenthood: “You ve Got Mold”A.V. Club (blog)I guess occasionally there s a Crosby one off that sorta makes me smile, but I m getting a little tired of the way that all of his storylines are, “Oh, hey, our house has mold now.” Dax Shepherd and Joy Bryant are really fun to watch bounce off of each Parenthood: The Best and Worst Braverman Pairings of “You ve Got Mold”Television Without PityParenthood RECAP 1/23/14: Season 5 Episode 14 “You ve Got Mold”Celebrity Dirty Laundry Parenthood s “You ve Got Mold” Shuffles The Pieces, Shakes Off The MoldBustleVulture
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Parenthood: “You've Got Mold” – A.V. Club (blog)
Superintendent Says Mold No Longer a Problem – Cape May County Herald (press release)
Superintendent Says Mold No Longer a ProblemCape May County Herald (press release)COURT HOUSE – Mold that could sicken children and staff has been an ongoing problem at the Middle Township Elementary Schools, but according to Superintendent Michael Kopakowski, the mold problems at both Elementary No. 1 and 2 found in 2011
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Superintendent Says Mold No Longer a Problem – Cape May County Herald (press release)
Main St. library closes area due to mold – Daily Press
Main St. library closes area due to moldDaily PressNEWPORT NEWS — Moisture is the enemy of librarians in humid climes and Newport News is no exception. The latest victims are non-fiction and reference collections housed on the second floor of the Main Street Library, where mold was found growing on
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Main St. library closes area due to mold – Daily Press
Report shows significant mold problem at Globe Academy – WSB Atlanta
Report shows significant mold problem at Globe AcademyWSB AtlantaThe test concluded enough mold was found in the school that immediate action was needed to remove ceiling tiles, eliminate buckets of standing water and increase air flow by opening windows. The report also indicated there was toxic black mold found in
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Report shows significant mold problem at Globe Academy – WSB Atlanta
600000 University of Missouri library books damaged by mold – Fox News
600000 University of Missouri library books damaged by moldFox NewsUniversity of Missouri Libraries officials are trying to decide what to do with about 600,000 books damaged by mold at an off-campus storage site. Staff discovered the problem in October at Subtera, an underground storage site in north Columbia View the Original article The post 600000 University of Missouri library books damaged by mold Fox News appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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600000 University of Missouri library books damaged by mold – Fox News
Hidden mold in dream home points to larger industry concern – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Hidden mold in dream home points to larger industry concernMilwaukee Journal SentinelJohn Michael Liebl holds a photo of what his Lake Michigan vacation house in Sheboygan County looked like before mold remediation start in August. The home, of which Liebl is the second owner, required extensive repairs after the oriented strand board
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Hidden mold in dream home points to larger industry concern – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Hinsdale Middle School cleaning up mold, asbestos –
Chicago Tribune Hinsdale Middle School cleaning up mold, asbestosABC7Chicago.comIt s passing period for Hinsdale Middle School students, only it s not their school. They are using the classrooms at Clarendon Hills Middle School while workers continue to clean mold discovered in their own building. That means a split schedule at D181 looks at options in case students can t return to Hinsdale Middle SchoolChicago Tribuneall 16 news articles
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Hinsdale Middle School cleaning up mold, asbestos –
Hinsdale Middle School mold timeline: Discovery, cleanup and next steps – The Doings Oak Brook
Hinsdale Middle School mold timeline: Discovery, cleanup and next stepsThe Doings Oak BrookAlthough the Hinsdale Middle School mold issue hit its height shortly after the start of the year, the first reported discovery by Community Consolidated School District 181 was in July 2012. Here s a breakdown and recap of what has happened and what View the Original article The post Hinsdale Middle School mold timeline: Discovery, cleanup and next steps The Doings Oak Brook appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Hinsdale Middle School mold timeline: Discovery, cleanup and next steps – The Doings Oak Brook
January was England’s wettest winter month in almost 250 years
Last month s seasonal total was higher than any since 1767 and three times the average level The deluge that has engulfed southern and central England in recent weeks is the worst winter downpour in almost 250 years, according to figures from the world s longest-running weather station. The rainfall measured at the historic Radcliffe Meteorological Station at Oxford University in January was greater than for any winter month since daily recording began there in 1767, and three times the average amount. The latest Met Office data shows that the region from Devon to Kent and up into the Midlands suffered its wettest January since its records began in 1910. But Ian Ashpole, the Radcliffe Meteorological Observer, said: The Radcliffe measurements more than double the length of the Met Office record and give us a better grip on how things are changing. Flooding has been identified as the most dangerous impact of climate change for the UK and is hitting harder and faster than expected, accor
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January was England’s wettest winter month in almost 250 years
Flooding: too little defence, too late, as the waters rise
Is Britain suffering the consequence of long neglect of flood risks – and will the damage to homes and livelihoods just get worse? Like the lines drawn by parents measuring the height of their growing children, there are chalked marks on the walls of the houses piled in a picturesque jumble along the lower streets of Yalding. They have been drawn by residents scoring the progress of floodwaters through their homes over what has been the wettest month since records began and is heading towards being the wettest winter Britain has seen in 100 years. On Christmas Eve, this Domesday Book Kent village was deluged by riverwater and sewage that swirled close to two metres high in places, swallowing cars, dislodging sheds and climbing the stairs of Kevin Fox s townhouse into his family s first-floor kitchen. We got a lot of stuff upstairs when we knew it was coming, he said. Worse things have happened to people, there s a lot worse off than us. But it wasn t much fun. We didn t have a Chris
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Flooding: too little defence, too late, as the waters rise
Flooding: five lessons we have learned
What our washed-out winter has taught us Concrete is no longer a solution For centuries flood protection has meant building ever higher walls and radically straightening and clearing rivers, to rush water ever faster to the sea. But a more crowded island, rising sea levels and increasing extreme weather caused by climate change mean the hard engineering approach is hitting its limit. Dredging is a prime example: experts say it would not have prevented flooding in the Somerset Levels, nor drained the water significantly quicker. A desire for immediate action is understandable, but a massive amount of rain has fallen on the Levels, far greater than the capacity of the river channels, and large parts of the Levels are below sea level – the water has to go uphill to the coast. Instead, a back to nature approach is being successfully tested to return water systems to the sluggish, slow systems they once were, using fields as temporary ponds, blocking up drains and even allowing fallen tr
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Flooding: five lessons we have learned
Flood warnings issued as rains set to continue across UK
Flood warnings issued as rains set to continue across UK
Severe weather alerts from Met Office for large swaths of Britain as country told to brace itself for another week of storms High spring tides and yet more heavy rain in the coming days are set to continue the misery for flood victims, forecasters have warned. A respite from downpours is expected on Sunday but the Met Office has issued severe weather warnings of winds of up to 80mph and heavy rain of up to 30mm (1.2in) for the south-west, southern England, south Wales and Northern Ireland from Monday until Wednesday. Three severe flood warnings indicating danger to life were in place around the river Severn in the Midlands on Sunday morning, along with 112 less severe flood warnings, caused by high tides and swollen water levels. Millions of gallons of floodwater are being pumped away in Somerset every day but rivers remain instead of roads and there are lakes where there were once fields on the Somerset Levels. After a meeting of the government s emergency committee, Cobra, on Saturd
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Floods and storms predicted as rescue services endure busy weekend
Search for angler continues in Scotland, while forecasters warn that appalling weather may continue throughout February The Met Office is warning the weather pattern that has caused flooding across swaths of the UK may continue for the rest of the month as the weekend s storms resulted in 180 more homes being inundated and led to a series of dramatic rescues. Forecasters say this week is likely to be blighted by torrential rain and winds of more than 70mph, while high tides and a heavy Atlantic swell will continue to add to the problems for the next day or so. But, looking further forward, the Met Office said unsettled weather – generally dull and rainy but punctuated by more storms – is set to last for another fortnight and possibly for the rest of the month. The forecast was greeted with glumness on the Somerset Levels, which has been hit worst by this year s flooding. Though no fresh properties were flooded over the weekend, the river Parrett burst its banks again, sending wate
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Floods and storms predicted as rescue services endure busy weekend
Britain’s floods: strategy on the level | Editorial
Climate scientists are in no doubt that this kind of flooding – and last month s coastal erosion – is only going to become more frequent One night last December, three houses disappeared into the sea off the Norfolk coast as a huge storm surge sucked away thousands of tonnes of rock and sand from beneath them. What happened at Hemsby, and also along the coast at Happisburgh, was extreme. But not unprecedented. O Tide that waits for no man
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Britain’s floods: strategy on the level | Editorial
Weatherwatch: For those in peril on the sea – and on the flooded land
The role of the lifeboat service has gradually been evolving, first as a result of changing human behaviour and then weather patterns. Once coastal traders came to grief regularly in storms around Britain and provided the spur for the original formation of the RNLI. Now giant cargo ships rarely need the help of a lifeboat. However, the number of people needing rescuing goes on rising. This is partly because of the increasing use of the coast for leisure. Unskilled amateur sailors and swimmers frequently underestimate the power of tides and currents and find themselves in trouble. An example was on 26 May last year when, on a calm day, 85 out of 133 swimmers who set off on a 1,200 metre race from Southwold Pier beach in Suffolk to a nearby pub had to be rescued when they were dragged out to sea after the tide changed. To cope with these new demands the size of lifeboats is shrinking. The D
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Weatherwatch: For those in peril on the sea – and on the flooded land
The Omaha Salvation Army Responds To Fatal Industrial Accident
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The Omaha Salvation Army Responds To Fatal Industrial Accident
The Salvation Army Serves Residents Affected By The Carriage Parc Apartments Fire
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The Salvation Army Serves Residents Affected By The Carriage Parc Apartments Fire
The Salvation Army Continues to Lead in Disaster Communications
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The Salvation Army Continues to Lead in Disaster Communications
Salvation Army On Stand-By To Help During Winter Storm
View the Original article The post Salvation Army On Stand-By To Help During Winter Storm appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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Salvation Army On Stand-By To Help During Winter Storm
The Salvation Army in Atlanta, Georgia Partnering with National Guard to Serve Stranded Motorists Around the Downtown Connector
View the Original article The post The Salvation Army in Atlanta, Georgia Partnering with National Guard to Serve Stranded Motorists Around the Downtown Connector appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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The Salvation Army in Atlanta, Georgia Partnering with National Guard to Serve Stranded Motorists Around the Downtown Connector
Salvation Army Helps First Responders In Copiah County After Icy Weather
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Salvation Army Helps First Responders In Copiah County After Icy Weather
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Stranded (Salvation Army) Lieutenant preparing meals for hotel guests
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Stranded (Salvation Army) Lieutenant preparing meals for hotel guests
The Salvation Army Serves Stranded Bus Passengers
View the Original article The post The Salvation Army Serves Stranded Bus Passengers appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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The Salvation Army Serves Stranded Bus Passengers
The Salvation Army Partnered with National Guard to Serve Stranded Motorists Around the Downtown Connector
View the Original article The post The Salvation Army Partnered with National Guard to Serve Stranded Motorists Around the Downtown Connector appeared first on Water Damage Nationwide.
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The Salvation Army Partnered with National Guard to Serve Stranded Motorists Around the Downtown Connector
"Tornado Chasers" Premieres September 19th, Tropical Storm Isaac!
TVN currently marooned by Isaac!
Tornado Chasers premieres tomorrow! September 19, 2012
Episodes 1, 2, and 3 now Available, TVN Podcast
Podcast changed to Tuesday nights at 8 pm (Tonight!), Tornado Outbreak Possible
Hurricane Sandy wreaks havoc along the East Coast!
Episode 9 of "Tornado Chasers" launches tomorrow! TVN in LA/NY!
Florida Tornadoes, TVN’s 12 Days of Christmas
Video update from Reed: Severe weather event underway!
Deadly Tornado Strikes Georgia, Severe Weather Outbreak 1-29/1-30 2013
Massive blizzard to impact the Northeast U.S.!
Hattiesburg, MS tornado rated EF-4
TVN launches KickStarter Campaign for Tornado Chasers!
Join us today for Reed’s Storm Chasing School!
Severe weather outbreak expected today!
Introducing Dominator 3!
Update on May 19-20 tornado outbreak in Oklahoma: EF-5 rating in Moore, OK
Monday, February 3, 2014
A time of tremendous loss.
First HIGH RISK of the year: June 12, 2013
A widespread, potentially significant severe weather outbreak appears likely beginning later this afternoon and lasting into tomorrow for portions of the midwest U.S., and continuing eastward to the Atlantic Coast. Today, eastern Iowa to western Ohio could see all modes of severe weather, from tornadic supecells (likely forming early in the afternoon), to damaging, large hail. A destructive bow echo or derecho is expected to evolve as storms converge and progress eastward across northern IL and Indiana. As such, the Storm Prediction Center has taken the step of issuing 2013 s first HIGH RISK, with the greatest emphasis being placed on the potential for destructive winds associated with any bow echo or derecho that may develop later today. The graphic at left shows the areas under the highest threat of severe weather; as always, residents in these areas are strongly urged to consider all relevant severe weather safety precautions and plans before storms develop. For the most up to date
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